Wednesday, October 20, 2010

With you, For you, always

You have any trouble, dial 100. You see injustice, dial 100. And what if the troublemakers and rule breakers are  on the other side of the receiver?
We have known police vallas as corruption kings. They have always been known for looting a poor man's pocket and filling their own. But this fresh case of a Delhi police constable stabbing his own son makes him an opposite to his duties. The man who jails people involved in wife beating, domestic violence and crimes against women and children is himself breeding the crime in the 4 walls of his house.
How great is that? His khaki has easily hidden the demon inside him.
Have a look
The reason for the crime is that he suspects his wife of infidelity. So he thinks that beating is an easy solution. I beg to ask, can a woman get the same liberty of lashing  if she discovers her husband cheating on her. She'll cry, yell, divorce or maybe continue her broken marriage. Who has given this liberty to men to raise a hand at their wives then? Here's a survey on infidelity.
In my opinion, every individual has the right to be respected. We as human beings differ from animals as we live in a societal framework of rules. By committing these crimes, we are killing the difference. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Polluting the Environment for Something that's Gone

That is when I know that Raavan is burnt and Ram wins.What a glorious way to celebrate victory!In Ram's victory hundreds other inhale unlimited pollution and expose their ears to unimaginable sound.Ram wins but we lose!I remember how my dad used to take me out and explain me the story of Ramayana with full enthusiasm.I remember how he used to pick me up in his arms and show me the crumbling Raavan into ashes.Loudspeakers glared narrating this saga and people used to listen and view with that shining looks on their face as if its something they haven't seen before, whereas the reality is that they have been coming to see it ever since they were children.I was thinking the other day about the villages which are still inaccessible to light.Where stillness and darkness continue to rule.
And here we are, 'the elite class', which wastes I don't know how many watts of electricity lighting up the whole area for this festival.
Is it justice?
Is that what we call the victory of good over evil?
When we enter a store to buy a firecracker how often does it strike our mind that we are burning a note?
Think of the destitutes whom we shoo away and here we are taking money out of our pockets without thinking for a second that it'll be turned into nothing but ash.There are many young minds who instead of studying are employed in these firework factories.They use their little hands not to turn a page of a book but to make a cracker.
What is this festival giving us?
Just because of an age old custom it is going on and on.Here I don't wish to offend my culture but I mean to throw light on the fact that such victory is of no use which gives us endless health problems.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Control that anger before it controls you.

Anger..all of us have a committed relationship with it. Our sibling does something which annoys us, we get angry. If we aren't permitted to go out with friends, we bang the door, yell at our highest pitch. We completely lose our cool at trivial matters. That is what happened with this restaurant manager.
In Chandigarh a 22 year old man was thrown into a boiling tandoor by his owner. And ask him why, he'll come up with a solid reason that his employee used to steal. 
Anger has made us devils. We transform into beastly creatures. Have we ever thought what is the reason for this increasing anger among people? We have transformed into zero tolerant zones and its so easy to flare us up. Throughout our life our parents teach us to be calm and patient and forgiving. But..all lessons forgotten.
Sometimes we hear about acid attacks on girls, many a times we hear people shooting anyone on road due to a minor tiff, also cases of rape are omnipresent.
And then we call ourselves sophisticated souls. 
What should be done to control this anger?
In my mother's  opinion we should meditate, join yoga and pray.If it would've been  such an easy solution this innocent employee would've been saved.
In my opinion, no meditation works until you want to control your violent streak. After all, its your anger and You have to take a control over it. Anger is just another emotion like sadness and happiness. It's perfectly Ok to be angry but then its important to release it in the right way. We mustn't forget our societal rules in that 5 min rage. 
Go through this if you too aren't able to control your anger. I hope it works!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dark side

Couldn't be worse. A minor girl of 12 was raped in a school in Kanpur. The complaint was filed by the girl's mother when she heard about her daughter being dropped at home by 2 maids from the school.
It urges me to think how safe our educational institutions are. Parents send their children to school so that they come out as better and successful human beings. But how would that mother be feeling when she saw the dead body of her little child. Who should be blamed? Is it only the rapist? We've always been taught that a person who supports the wrong doer is equally wrong. By that theory, the principal,staff and other teachers should be arrested, but unfortunately no arrests have been made.
This isn't the first and last case of the type. Many school girls who haven't even attained puberty have been raped. The families bury the case as its a matter of shame for them. Many such cases don't come to light even after repeated complaints at the police station. I beg to ask that if such a case happens with a daughter or sister of a family who has 'Birla', 'Tata' attached to it, then also no arrests would be made? This time we have to give it a thought..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ram or Rahim ..

Who are we ??
Hindu or Muslim .... When there is ‘ALI ’ in DiwALIi and ‘ RAM ’ in RAMzan  then why it took ‘us’ 60 long years to reach Ayodhya – Babri Masjid  final verdict. 

The Allahabad High Court took the first step on thursday towards the resolution of the 60 year old Babri Masjid – Ram Janmabhoomi ownership dispute but there was one section of the society that remained untouched by the verdict – The Youth.

Ayodhya – Babri Masjid ?? They really don’t know and they don’t care either. Handling the pressure of studies, expectation of parents, relationships on one hand and with other things on mind, youngsters born in this era thinks that it’s time India Moves on.


Looking forward to a hidden but promising future on the other, who has got time to dig into the past in order to relive the horror of communal violence which started with the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992.


The truth is most of them do not even know what the dispute is all about or they simply don’t care. Some of them haven’t heard about the issue until the hype around the verdict or some of them think that we all are looking for a reason to fight. They (youth) are more concerned about the riots or their schedules getting affected by the verdict.


Agreed that it is pointless to fight over religion or a land in dispute ... So is it right to forget and move on for our generation ???


We ought to give it a thought ...