Monday, October 18, 2010

Polluting the Environment for Something that's Gone

That is when I know that Raavan is burnt and Ram wins.What a glorious way to celebrate victory!In Ram's victory hundreds other inhale unlimited pollution and expose their ears to unimaginable sound.Ram wins but we lose!I remember how my dad used to take me out and explain me the story of Ramayana with full enthusiasm.I remember how he used to pick me up in his arms and show me the crumbling Raavan into ashes.Loudspeakers glared narrating this saga and people used to listen and view with that shining looks on their face as if its something they haven't seen before, whereas the reality is that they have been coming to see it ever since they were children.I was thinking the other day about the villages which are still inaccessible to light.Where stillness and darkness continue to rule.
And here we are, 'the elite class', which wastes I don't know how many watts of electricity lighting up the whole area for this festival.
Is it justice?
Is that what we call the victory of good over evil?
When we enter a store to buy a firecracker how often does it strike our mind that we are burning a note?
Think of the destitutes whom we shoo away and here we are taking money out of our pockets without thinking for a second that it'll be turned into nothing but ash.There are many young minds who instead of studying are employed in these firework factories.They use their little hands not to turn a page of a book but to make a cracker.
What is this festival giving us?
Just because of an age old custom it is going on and on.Here I don't wish to offend my culture but I mean to throw light on the fact that such victory is of no use which gives us endless health problems.