Sunday, September 5, 2010

Teenage pregnancy : Nipping in the bud

Not being cautious and landing up at the gynaecologist  is a recurrent situation in a teenager's life. All of us might have heard numerous cases of girls getting pregnant in their teens. Most of them silently go for an abortion and yet some of them commit suicide.
I wonder what is wrong? Being pregnant in teenage or not using protection??
This question leaves you thinking..
what is the cause of teenage pregnancy? peer pressure, 'uncool' parents or lack of knowledge?
Students feel that it is cool to have sex during the teens. Friends often tease a boy if he's not capable to befriending a girl and then taking her to bed. So is it a "collar up issue"?
"More and more teenagers are indulging in unprotected sex these days as they know that it is not all that difficult to get away with it. There are a number of options for abortion of which pills are the most common and you don’t need to have a doctor’s prescription to get them. Moreover, most teenage boys have a number of whims about using condoms or feel shy about getting them from a store" says a teen.
Though we've grown in many ways still many issues need to come to limelight. A research shows that girls who are exposed to child abuse, assault, broken homes are at a higher risk of teenage pregnancies. The worst part is that due to lack of knowledge Girls don' even realise they're pregnant until the 5th month.
We must not give a blind eye to it as its about their future. Parents should be open about it, children should talk to their parents rather than their friends or any sites.. We ought to give it a thought.