Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shameful killing.

Recently we celebrated our 63rd independence.. we call ourselves Free, Independent people..
Sheer lie.. I agree that we are not ruled by any external power but aren't we governed by our morals?
I'm not saying that it is wrong to follow our morals and ethics, but is it justified to kill someone in the name of morality? We easily call it Honour killing. What is so honourable about it? 
Some weak-minded people of the society choose to be gods and take someone's life to protect their family's name. After committing such cold bloodied acts they end up in jail. Does that bring honour to the family?
Our religion does not honour these killings yet its happening all the time. What was the crime done by  innocent victims? They decided to choose their own partners believing to be a part of a "free nation".
But they were mercilessly slaughtered..

How can such a killing be honoured if it brings shame to the family??


  1. You asked if it is justified to kill someone in the name of morality. Well, for one I see no morals in marrying a person from the same caste or a different gotra. So I don't even think it's morality in question here. Secondly, yes...sometimes it is justified to kill someone to safeguard our morals. For example, sentencing someone to death who has committed a horrendous crime against humanity,

  2. Honour killing is being done to so called "save" the family name from defame.. I disagree with you here as according to me its unjustified to kill someone if he/she decides to choose his/her own partner. Living in a free nation dont we have that much right? Sentencing is a different issue as it is done to a person who commits a crime.. but marrying a person whom you want to be with isnt a crime at all.

  3. I completely agree with you on that. I am just speaking generally...that there is no 'morality' involved in marrying a person of a certain caste/gotra. So the question of whether it is justified to kill someone for morality does not arise in this case. It is plain murder!

  4. i think u first have to clear the actual meaning of honour killing "The so-called "honour killings" are murders by families on family members who are believed to have brought "shame" on the family name."
    i don't respect or in favour of honour killing but i personally think giving punishment in favour of values and name of your family have no harm.
    why do we always think that if a girl and boy of opposite cast are in love and making it a social news are always rite and the people opposing it are bad or are social elivs.
    im not supporting honour killing i think the accused have to punish hard, but im saying one have to think from both side.

  5. we have no right to be the "judiciary". That is what people do in honour killing. Kindly explain me the meaning of honour killing according to u.. The meaning is universal but perceptions are different.
