Thursday, August 19, 2010

Think... Its now or never ..

It disturbs me to think what could be the reason for a father raping his own daughter. The very child whom he raised all his life. The same hands which once taught a little girl to walk were later used to rape the daughter. How often do we think about WHY it happens in a "Rich cultured country" like India?
I remember reading a news last year which horrified me wherein a father was arrested for raping his 2 daughters on the advice of a 'tantrik' in an attempt to become rich. Shockingly enough is the fact that the mother was also a part of the crime. It urges me to think how can a father satisfy Godess Lakshmi by raping the very own Lakshmi of his own house..For name's sake we live in a country full of traditions. I wish to ask where are the traditions going?

This is Sanchi kathuria, urging every reader of this blog to think about such horrendous cases taking place might be at the next door. It's not only rape and molestation I'm talking about, its about every such case about which we don't talk, pretending to be in 'curtains of decency'..
Let your heart out, share your views, leave comments..
And remember its not just a blog. Its something happening around us all the time or maybe with us..

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    we first take the case you took, father raping the daughter on the advice of tantrik' its just cause of the reason in India many amount of people still follow and believes in ojaas and tantrik cause of illiteracy and poor level of thinking.
    apart form that people may do this cause of pressure, stress and mainly due to mental disorder, some what like people become man eater cause of the same problem.
